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Table Plan Advice

Your Table Plan will be one of the hardest things to complete when planning your wedding so we have decide to create some hints & tips, along with requirements for how best to present your plan to us.


Formats - The Important Part
We only accept emailed Table Plans (no photographs of the table plans please). This is so we can copy and paste your spellings.

You can put the names in list format like the example below on an email or you can supply a Word or Excel document list.

All Table Plans will be created as you send them so please check the spellings. We do not correct spellings even if we think it is wrong, this is because it may not be wrong, it may just have a different spelling.


If you are having Menus & Order of Service, please email across the information for these at the same time so we can complete your order. 


Traditionally the Top Table is laid out, as such, with the Bride on the left facing out to the room and including the following guests:

Traditional top table layout

More recently, with separations between parents,
there are more modern and flexible ways to layout your Top Table.

We always advise, from a Venue Decoration point, to have the married couple central & if you can to have the same number of guests either side of you both, or as even as the numbers will allow.

This is because the centrepieces and table swag sit in the middle and will highlight the centre of the table.

You can of course have your Top Table laid out any way you want. 

We have had an all friends Top Table, a Sweetheart Top Table (just you two)
or you may opt for a round table or none at all. If you need some advice, please ask.

If we are providing your Stationery, we need your Table Plan on email, see the format advice below.

The tables just need to be a basic list.

The top person on the list will be facing the Top Table, & then we will work around the table as we work down the list.
If your venue has another system then we are happy to use this, you just need to inform us when you supply your plan, or we will proceed as outlined above.


Top Table
Father of the Bride, Mother of the Bride ,  Bride, Groom, Mother of the Groom, Father of the Groom


Table 1



Table 2

Table 3
Tom - KP (3yrs)
Jasper - HC


Table 4
JD  - KP Highchair

Table 5
Neil - KP (6yrs)

The Great Name debate & what you should highlight

Table Plans are seen after the Wedding Ceremony, this means the Bride will be addressed by her new married Surname. If this is being adopted. 
We always advise that the Married Couple should be Bride & Groom/ Bride & Bride Groom & Groom on the Table Plan as it's the only day you will be referred to as this.

If you are having a civil wedding, Groom & Groom or Bride & Bride, please could you inform us what your chosen married surname would be.

The same goes for Mother of the Bride, Father of the Bride.

Please make sure your Name Cards match your Table Plan or it causes a real headache.

For example: "Mother of the Bride" on the Table Plan also put "Mother of the Bride" on the Name Card & not her name such as "Julie", as we will not know the Mother of the Bride is called Julie and this is confusing for everyone!


Should you include Surnames?
That is entirely up to you. It does make the Table Plan more formal, but this may not be what you want and we have done Table Plans both with and without Surnames.

 Both Venues and Venue Stylists will appreciate extra detail to your Table Plan to avoid head scratching on your big day whilst setting up. 

I) The first is of course highchairs - This helps the Venue position them in place instead of waiting for them to be asked for one. It also tells us where the children are if you have not ordered Chair Covers for highchair spaces.


II)Vegetarian, Vegan, No Meal and Allergies - again for the Venue, for ease during the meal.  

Glamourpuss also ask for some further information for particular hire products:

III) Kiddy Packs - Please mark the child intended for the pack and their age, as we make them age related and we will know where to put them.
IIII) Favours - If you are having different favours for Men & Women, please change each name to pink for the Women and blue for the Men on your Table Plan or mark L for Lady and M for Men. You will be surprised how many names are unisex and whilst we sometimes can tell with the spelling Uncle Sam might end up with a handbag favour!


Table Numbers or Names
Table Numbers are preferable for Venues as they are practical & the Venue know which way they serve round the room.
Table Names can be useful so that the last table (i.e. Table 8) don't think they are the last of the invitees to the Wedding. If you are using Table Names rather than Numbers, then please supply a Floor Plan or highlight which Table Number they would have been, so that we make sure your nearest and dearest are close to the Top Table and are served first for their meals.
Also we would like you to confirm if you are having a name for your Top Table, or if if this is to remain as the Top Table.



Mobile: 07793600043

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